Tuesday, January 24, 2012

LORD - I desire for a life lived in your truth and presence, not to have "MY" life and you also, as one of the accouterments of my life. 

Matthew 9:13 Jesus,  speaking to the Pharisees, said:
"... I desire mercy, not sacrifice...." 

Christ lived Mercy and sacrifice, as well as all purity and righteousness.  He didn't seek to buddy up with the self satisfied, successful  "winners" of life.  Those with power or wealth to make him look good.  Not that Christ was not there for even those, but he was there for them in their need.  He didn't have a need to look good. 

Christ didn't seek the soft, easy, self absorbed life, giving God a tithe of his life  . 

He was and is  Mercy, a true and living sacrifice. 

Sacrifice can be a token repentance. Easy, only requiring perhaps a bit of money, or a little bit of humility.  But, certainly something that doesn't look odd or require anymore than an outward action.  Certainly not costing one, ones whole life.  This kind of sacrifice is  quick and does not discommoding ones life.  A sacrifice that is meant to look good more than address the sin.  This was never Christ's type of sacrifice. 
And Mercy - this requires giving all of me.  It requires an inner, life changing redemption of who and what I am. A giving of myself away - not just to God, but to those He brings into my life.  Oh my LORD, I can easily have mercy in my heart and attitude, but it's so hard to act out mercy.  Without you it is impossible. And with you, it is still true sacrifice. 

As I remember the mercy I have received, I give thanks.  I also pray Lord, for strength and obedience  to make true sacrifices of mercy outward.  Without you I cannot do this.  Thank you that what you ask of us, you also make a way to walk in your will, purpose and mercy.

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