Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday's Sermons 2009 - high lights

It is interesting to consider that the voice of God heard after 450 years of silence was the cry of a baby.

It’s not our ability, but our availability that is our greatest asset in God’s calling on our lives

Whatever my situation, God knows my name and where I am.
Never judge God’s love by our current circumstance.

In building an altar to God, there is an order required.
Our praise ascending up to God.
God’s righteousness descending upon us

Repentance touches our will, mind and emotions. We must
Confess our sin, no excuses
Forsake and recognize it as sin
Plant joy by removing guilt.
Our behaviors will be affected bringing hope.

Forgiveness is the currency of the kingdom. It is given unilaterally from God, not earned, but given freely with our repentance.

The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has made me free from the Law of sin and death.

No matter what the hand of God is doing in our lives, don’t be confused about His heart toward us as.

Our worship is where heaven and earth meet. It’s not out of feeling but in obedience that we choose to worship.

Blocked Wells:

Satan is a well stopper. He cannot take our salvation, but if he can clog our ‘well’ we won’t be able to refresh others.

How Satan works?
He tells us some wells need to be stopped up, such as what he tells us are old doctrines, or practices that are seem old fashioned and out of step with modern life.
He entices us away from keeping our ‘well’ unclogged, by other more fun, interesting activities.

How to unstop well?
1. Acknowledge the dryness
2. Make choices that will renew our desire for the Lord, actively praise, worship the Lord and give thanksgiving. Repent of sin.
3. Go to offended ‘brother’ and make reconciliation
4. Be alert to sabotage of God’s work.

How to spot a high place in our own lives.
What is it that occupies / consumes us. Do I feel praise and worship is for when I feel like it?
Do I choose to worshiping God “my way”
Do I interpret the Scripture to suit my outlook.

Worship is not based on ‘feelings’ but choice. We don’t drift into Godly things. It is what we choose.

Satan is the enemy of and actively opposes all who serve God.

It’s not intermittent opposition but a sustained ongoing onslaught.

God has given us a path to victory. He defeated Satan openly on the cross.

This broke Satan’s power over us. Now his weapons are to accuse and deceive us.

However, we cannot defeat Satan on our own. He is only defeated through our justification by Christ’s work on our behalf, on the cross.

Only by actively finding our refuge and remedy for sin in Christ can we have the victory over Satan. We have to cast ourselves on Christ’s mercy, and let Him do the work in and through us.

God is the light that Jesus brought and still brings into the world.

God is satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, and our repentance and confession.

Then why are we still at odds with God if the price has been paid?
It is the consequence of sin. God hates sin because of what it does to man.

What is Sin? Simply “doin’ it my way”

The place where heaven and earth meet is in the Person of the LORD Jesus Christ. And when he have the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts, we become the Temple of God.

Rebellion is anger against God.
Damaging the “temple” of God is part of that rebellion.

Part of the answer to that rebellion is gratitude, thanksgiving, worship and repentance.

Be grateful for God’s provision. Don’t complain as Israel did, bemoaning the loss of leeks, garlic and cucumbers from Egypt, even wanting to go back to Egypt and slavery for those delicacies. Their complaining showed a lack of gratitude for the provision of the Lord. Yes, the manna may have been dull and monotonous but it was life giving.

The blessings of God’s redemption are greater than the things we had in the days of our bondage.

Our walk with the Lord is NOT a democracy, We don’t vote on what we like or don’t like. We are called to obey Him, not operate out of warm fuzzy ‘feelings’.

The issue is Sentiment vs. Love:

There is no reality or meaning apart from God.
God has a plan and purpose and He will perform it.
You cannot work the system - manipulate God - using sentiment to direct the result.
Love is real and hard. Not a feeling but getting our hands into the mix.

Don’t confuse glitter for glory, or sentimentality for reality

Sentiment. Easily leads us astray
Love. Is rich in mercy

S. Will smother you
L. Gives life and liberty.

S. Spoils, goes bad with resentment and pride.
L. Can be tough but is pure. It brings discipline
God loves us too much to leave us where we are when
it is not the best good for us.

S. Is heavy on ‘feelings’
L. Is an action, doing what is called for, even if hard.

S. Can be prompted/evoked to get a desired response.
L. Has no ulterior motive. Reproduces itself.

S. Leave a person helpless, untouched.
L. Brings empowering and security.

S. Is fleeting and insubstantial.
L. Is faithful and enduring.

Things to remember and Things to forget.

Remember: God is able
God is with us.

Forget Everything that is centered on self - disappointments, failures.

Close the gates of our lives to greed, anger, bitterness and pride.
Open the gates to God’s purpose and plan for us.

Remind ourselves there is a reason, a purpose for our life. It is God’s gift to us. He values our life.

GK Chesterson:
When people cease to believe in God, they don’t believe in nothing. They believe in anything.

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