Friday, April 20, 2012

Holy Ground

It's easy to find God in the great outdoors, but he is also in the difficult places of life
When I go to my local service on Sunday do I diminish my encounter with the Lord of glory by my casual unexpectant attitude?

Do I enter expecting to encounter the Presence of God there?  Do I come desiring to worship him, together with my fellow brothers and sisters?

I'm not saying go in all solemn faced - making a show of being "holy".  I see it as an attitude thing.

I too often loudly proclaim my point of view politically, or talk about the 'football' game over the week-end.  Not evil things but do they lead my heart and the hearts of those I'm talking to,  to worship, to  rejoice in the LORD. 

Greetings are in order.  Sharing a caring comfort where there is heartache.  Rejoicing in one another as family.  But the core issue is attitude.

Do I 'leak'  the joy of the LORD,  eagerness for his presence, thankfulness for  the privilege I have to worship together with my fellow family members?  

Oh holy majesty who dwells all around us, and knocks on the door of our own lives and waits for us to invite him in. The whole world is full of your glory.  I need to walk in that truth in all the affairs of life.

But when I go into a gathering together with the family of God, he tells us he is there.  Do I act like I believe he is there? 

Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty - I worship you!

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