Monday, May 20, 2013


Heaven is my true home.  Yes, I must enjoy my life here - but it is as though I have left my true home - heaven - to go for an outing at the park.   I enjoy it at the park but I don't live there.  The park is NOT my home.  My home is in my father's house.  My life as I know and live it on earth is not my true abode.  It's not even my true country.

Here, as I live out the days given me to visit and enjoy God's creation and life I sometimes get bogged down in the here and now of life and tend to lose sight of my true home.   I find I have desires, longings, attractions, even cravings within and too often think those 'things' are what I want, even need.  But I'm coming to believe they are the false enticements made by my greatest adversary, Satan, to try and derail my faith in Christ.  As a human creature I am very much tied to the physical and emotional aspects of my humanity.  I have to learn to know and grow in the spiritual aspects of being a child of the true and only King of all creation - My LORD Jesus Christ.  I have to lay hold of, in faith, the vision of my true home, and grow to know my LORD

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