Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day has come, fading the night,
Beams of dancing light, golden,
sparkles on the morning's laughing face,
Music, floating 'cross broad waves of light,
makes the heart dance, exalts the mind,
reaching up, bursting out, it leaps in ecstasy.

The mood of the earth moves in the dance,
All the world sways to the music's chant
Each separate creation holds deep within,
the thread of life, of worship, of glory.
All will exalt.

I dance to the tune sent out,
a singular melody, of purest delight.

And, in the morning, I a human alone,
respond with all nature to my great God,
Father to me.

The universe worships in a surety of knowledge,
But I am allowed the choice to respond,
To the tune, the pattern, the rhyme.

Oh God, I cannot see for the brilliance
of your splendour.
I bow my head, and peace enters in.
I am full, alive and totally one
united with You.

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